Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time flies

I am constantly surprised at how quickly time passes. It seems that from the moment I held this beautiful little bunny boy in my arms that the time is just flying by at record speeds. People are always commenting on how I should enjoy every moment because before you know it, blah blah blah... and you know what? they are absolutely right! it's crazy this journey I'm on, that we as a family are on.

I love all the little surprises, the giggles, the quiet moments, the sweet slobbery kisses, the blabbery, the cute little sly smirk that seems to appear out of nowhere, followed by the raise of an eyebrow and possibly both. I have also learned to appreciate alone time, warm showers, reading, getting dressed by myself and basically any moments I get where I'm not entertaining or being entertained by the little man who now happily rules my life.

Oh I love him!!! I get tired, I feel crazy, I get flustered and then I sit back, take a deep breath and remember I waited for this my entire life and I'm living the dream!

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